Whale Watching is popular from the end of December through March, great grey whales traverse this area en route from Siberian and Alaskan waters where they swim 6,000 to 10,000 km searching the warm waters of Baja’s lagoons to raise their calves and give birth for 3 months before starting their long voyage back to their ripe feeding grounds in colder waters. The gray whale is seen here every year to carry out its mating ritual and to give birth to their offspring. It is a magnificent natural show that attracts travelers from all over the world.
This region boasts mountains, deserts and thousands of kilometers of coast to explore, dive or swim in. For those that prefer fishing, Baja California Sur is one of the best areas for deep sea fishing in the world. Tourists can also enjoy the local art crafts as well as their rich culinary tradition.
The gateway to one of Baja’s main whale watching areas is San Ignacio, the Laguna San Ignacio south of Vizcaíno Peninsula, also the Laguna Ojo de Liebre, better known as Scammon’s Lagoon to the south of Guerrero Norte and Puerto López Mateos near Isla Magdalena, Puerto San Carlos in the Bahia Magdalena are also popular Whale Watching destinations.